GIS for Telecom
GIS For Telecom Networks

NewCom offers a variety of services to move your network data into a GIS environment. GIS has many benefits in either an enterprise or single user environment. Once your network is loaded into a spatial database, your network can be edited, and viewed unencumbered by the conventional file based CAD systems.
NewCom can incorporate other data layers such as orthophotography, cadastral and planimetric from local government and facility data of other right-of-way users, where available. Analysis of your network, service points and service areas is greatly enhanced by having access to these other types of spatial data.
In addition, NewCom offers a variety of applications to help manage and maintain your network. Such as fiber circuit tracing, and real-time interfaces with alarm monitoring systems.
View your entire network with out the limitations of file based CAD systems. Scale level control over feature visibility enhances display performance.
Custom applications support such things as fiber sheath tracing, real-time graphical display of network devices by interfacing to status monitoring systems.